
101 Things I Wish My Father Had Taught Me

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Product Overview

Jasiri Basel (A)

List Price: $19.99 (Paperback - Self Help and Motivational for Young Black Men - 2016)

Learning 101 Things before you need them has the power to greatly impact and improve your life and or state of being. This book is written because , I wish someone would have told me many of these things. The mere thought to be prepared for some of the challenges would have been of great value to my life. Wth this book I hope to impart some encouragement, some wisdom and some insight for boys & men growing up in a world where it isn’t easy to be a man, a world of expectations to be a man without instruction on how to deliver. this book is for fathers & mothers but most importantly this book is for sons and their journey.   (222 pgs) Young Adult

  • Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.5 x 9 inches                                                      
  • Shipping Weight: 13.9 ounces

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