23rd Anniversary Sale!

Posted by Deborah Day on Jul 15th 2023

23rd Anniversary Sale!

Hey it's my 23rd Year Anniversary Sale!  And I am exited that we have a lot of great books in stock and on sale.  Some are as much as 40% off.  Just click on the Specials and see the selection.  However, if you use the coupon code 10%MORE you can save 10% More on most all of our books. 

The last 23 years has been very challenging and great at the same time. Perverse and unenlightened people will always be around.  But I have kept moving it forward.  I know that providing books for our children and communities is more important than ever.   And we have to make sure that our history and culture is told and presented in the right way.  Already we are seeing pushback in some states in the way of banned books and denying the truth about world history.  So we must continue to fight for justice and have a voice and a choice in educating of our people and creating black businesses.

This summer is going to be HOT so stay cool and keep the Kids reading to prevent the summer slide.  Books are always a good investment in their education.  Back to School is happening soon!  Thank you for your business!

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