
A Cool Moonlight

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Product Overview

Angela Johnson (A)

List Price: $6.99 (Paperback - Teen Fiction / Special Needs / Rare Skin Disease - 2003)

Born with a rare and dangerous allergy to sunlight, Lila's spent her life hidden from the daylight-staying covered up and indoors until dark, only venturing outside after the sun has set and the moon's cool light shines. Almost every night, she is visited by two young girls who wear tutus over their jeans and costume fairy wings, and the three of them dance and tell wonderful stories. But while Lila adores her family and her new friends, still she longs to feel the sun's touch. Lila's mysterious friends have promised to help her . . . but how? (144 pgs) Ages 9-12

  • Grade Level: 3 - 7
  • Lexile Measure: 1060L 
  • Product Dimensions: 5 x 0.4 x 7.1 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 8 ounces

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