
Deep in the Sahara

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Product Overview

Kelly Cunnane (A) and Hoda Hadadi (ILT) 

List Price $7.99 (Paperback  An Islamic Story - 2018)

"Poetic language, attractive illustrations and a positive message about Islam, without any didacticism: a wonderful combination," declares Kirkus Reviews in a starred review.

Lalla lives in the Muslim country of Mauritania, and more than anything, she wants to wear a malafa, the colorful cloth Mauritanian women, like her mama and big sister, wear to cover their heads and clothes in public. But it is not until Lalla realizes that a malafa is not just worn to show a woman's beauty and mystery or to honor tradition—a malafa for faith—that Lalla's mother agrees to slip a long cloth as blue as the ink in the Koran over Lalla's head, under her arm, and round and round her body. Then together, they pray. (40 pgs) Ages Pre-School -3

An author's note and glossary are included in the back of the book.

  • Lexile Measure: 890L
  • Grade Level: Pre-School
  • Product Dimensions: 10 x 0.16 x 10 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 7.2 

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