Exploding The Myths, Vol. I: Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization

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Product Overview

Anthony T. Browder (A)

List Price: $25.00 (Paperback - Ancient African History / Nile Valley - 1992)

An in-depth examination of Nile Valley civilization and its influences on the development of modern culture.

Several customers recommended this book. True, it is a book on ancient African history and origins and it is one of excellence.  Dr. Browder translates the scholarly work of the Grand Masters John Jackson, John Henrik Clarke and Yosef Ben Jochannan and delivers a clear and concise history of the Nile Valley and the contributions of African people.  He also goes in depth about the "stolen legacy" of African knowledge, inventions and culture by the Europeans.  This book is on my Reading List and is a must read for everyone.  Teach!" (292 pgs)

  • Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 0.8 x 10.5 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 1.5 pounds

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