
Honey, I Love

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Product Overview

Eloise Greenfield (A) and Jan Spivey Gilchrist (ILT)

List Price: $17.99 (Hardcover - Poem / Girls / Love - 2002)

Originally published in 1978 as part of a collection of poems, Honey, I Love is an enchanting poem about love and the simple joys of everyday life. A young girl counts all the things she loves, which include jumping through a flying pool of water on a hot summer day, going for family car ride, and the soft feel of her mother arm. Now available in full color, this poem glows with the warmth of a simple day in a young girl life. (32 pgs) Ages 4-8
  • Product Dimensions: 8.8 x 0.2 x 10 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 12.8 ounces

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