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Product Overview

Ramona Thomas (A) 

List Price: $15.00 (Paperback - Culture  / Soul Food Surprise - 2023) 

IDK! is a fictional but realistic story told through the eyes of the protagonist Kyndle, who is working on an International Day project.

When Kyndle's teacher unexpectedly asked the class to name their cultural food, he doesn't know the answer. Kyndle goes to his village for answers and discovered that the foods he loves to eat hold lots of historical significance for him and his family. Ultimately, what he learned about his ethnic food became an integral part of his International Day speech. (157 pgs) Ages 11 -16 

  • Product Dimensions : 6 x 0.55 x 9 inches
  • Shipping Weight ‏: ‎ 10.4 ounces

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