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Sit-In: How Four Friends Stood up by Sitting Down

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Product Overview

Andrea Davis Pinkney (A) and Brian Pinkney (ILT)

List Price: $18.99 (Hardcover - History / Civil Rights / Protest / Demonstrations and Sit Ins - 2010)

It was February 1, 1960. They didnt need menus. Their order was simple. A doughnut and coffee, with cream on the side.

Courageously defying the WHITES ONLY edict of the era, four young black men took a stand against the injustice of segregation in America by sitting down at the lunch counter of a Woolworth department store. Countless others of all races soon joined the cause following Martin Luther King Jr. powerful words of peaceful protest. By sitting down together, they stood up for civil rights and created the perfect recipe for integration not only at the Woolworth counter, but on buses and in communities throughout the South. (40 pgs) Ages 4-8

  • Product Dimensions: 9.5 x 0.5 x 12 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 1 pound

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