
Path To My African Eyes

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Product Overview

Ermila Moodley (A)

List Price: $10.95 (Paperback - Young Adult Fiction / Relocation / Culture Confusion - 2007)

When her father is transferred from his position as a professor at a Capetown, South Africa university to Buena Vista, California, Thandie Sobukwe says goodbye to her friends, family and favorites places and hello to self-doubt, rejection and cultural confusion. Everything from the way she looks to the way she speaks, and even the way she thinks is questioned, mocked or simply misunderstood. Thandieäó»s struggling to be comfortable in her skin, but between her California girl dreams, ambivalent feelings about Black American culture, and sensitivity about the ethnic background she thinks makes her stand out too much, she doesnäó»t seem to fit in anywhere. Thandieäó»s facing a real dilemma: How can you be true to yourself when youäó»re trying to discover who you are? (173 pgs) Young Adult

  • Product Dimensions: 8.2 x 5.5 x 0.7 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 8 ounces

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